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Searching Resource Types on Calendar

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:06 pm
by wford
Is there a way I search reservations by resource type rather than individual resources. We have our resources as individual beds inside specific rooms in residences (residences are each a different resource type). For example, Wright Cottage Room 1 Bed 1A is the actual resource we can search on the calendar. However, we'd like to be able to pull up only Wright Cottage's rooms and beds so we can see how crowded they are. Is there a way to do this?

Re: Searching Resource Types on Calendar

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 4:27 pm
by herby1620
You might be able to do this by using filters. Assign each house's rooms/beds as a group and apply a filter. The filter is in the upper left corner ("Resource Filter"). Once you have applied the filter you can collapse it and only those items will be shown in the calendar view.

We use "resource types" and filter. It seems to work.

This may not be the "Ideal" solution, but it comes close I suspect.

Good luck.